Our mission is to infuse Jesus Christ into the culture based on the great commission in Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16.
It is our belief that when any of our Church services end, the Purpose Driven Life and Service begins! Believers are to leave church services ready and able to proclaim by word, deed, and lifestyle, the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. Our ministry is dedicated to unlocking the purpose and various assignments mandated by God for every believers in our congregation. We are never a church stuck between the four walls but called to go
into the world. We believe the statement that Believers “are in the World but not of this world,” hence our duty is answer the call to our various assignments God has given to us to fulfill in the earth realm.
The Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Vision is to be a resource center dedicated to the building up of God’s Kingdom through individual discipleship, spirit-filled exhortation, family enrichment, community engagement, urban empowerment, and Christian service.
Our Vision is embedded in our understanding that God has purposed our leaders and this ministry to be a bridge between traditional, progressive and radical modes of our Christian Faith. Our church will forever live and abide under a healthy tension that connects denominations, Christian traditions, and believers into the unity of faith. We endeavor to be a model church where “whosoever will let them come!” All the while fully distinguish without comprise our call to Holiness and as “Defenders of the Faith.” As a member of this local community, it is our desire that all members know the uniqueness of this ministry. We are more than the common belief of church. We are more than just Kingdom builders. We are a part of the body of Christ, the family of Faith, left in the earth to be a visible representation of God’s glory, power, purpose in the earth realm. Through the Holy Spirit, every member of this church is EXPECTED to do mighty works and fulfill their God purposed mandate for their life.
Core Values of our Church