2025 Leadership Conference

2025 Leadership Conference

  • 2343 N San Antonio Avenue Pomona, CA, 91767 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mark your calendars for March 22nd from 10am-3pm. We will have a 2025 Leadership Conference.  “Leading that Glorifies God” is the theme. There will be 5 featured speakers including our Pastor, Dr. Frank C. Oliver. The cost is $25 per person but if you bring a friend, the cost is only $15.00 per person. The nominal fee covers your conference Materials, a light lunch along with a wealth of information . Please see Assistant Pastor Selena Terrell for additional details. Payments can be made on the Antioch App or our church website antiochpomona.net. Please put under conference in the APP. If making payment during church, please do a separate envelope and write conference in the memo section.

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The Urban Experience:  Chili Cook Off

The Urban Experience: Chili Cook Off

  • 2343 N San Antonio Avenue Pomona, CA, 91767 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

AMBC is bringing fantastic food, exciting games, raffles, and top-notch entertainment to the event! We’re using this opportunity to showcase and support local small businesses in our community. In 2024, we had over 200 attendees, 12 vendors, and 7 contestants in our Chili Cook-Off contest. In 2025, we’re aiming to double those numbers, and we hope you’ll be part of that growth! Additionally, Cal Poly Pomona will be joining us to inspire our youth and young adults to pursue higher education, offering valuable information at the event.

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